Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wow. I just randomly went on here via FB. So here's a rundown to what has been going on since I got home. I'm seasonal and going back this weekend, I picked up a shift, not at PC but at ....wait a minute...let the suspense build....ADVENTURELAND BBY! Me, being the worry wart, was really nervous about the whole thing, because I've never picked up a shift before, I didn't know how things worked, but I was like hey! Sarah ask yourself? Do you want to work at Adventureland? Yessss... THAN DO IT! If you can dream it, you can do it :) So because PC couldn't get me a shift, I got one at Adventureland in MK through the EHH. I can't wait. When we (my dad and I) arrive, we are driving to Disney U to get my new ID and costume, and then driving to PC to check in our hotel. AND THEN OFF TO MAGIC KINGDOM! JETRHRJVT! YAYAY! Hahha, I can never get tired of that place. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE PETER PAN! Well anyways. Saturday, I work at 4:30 pm to 11:00 pm. my dad is going to drop me off at the cast parking lot and then I'm going to the utildors and clock in and begin work. I'm still confused about the lockers, because IDK how to get one, well I think I have an idea about getting one, but I'm not sure, I'll ask costuming on Friday. I just need to know to see if I can bring a lunch or something. I heard that they have lockers in other areas besides the biiiiig room (It's HUGE) If thats the case, then I can bring a lunch and won't have to rush back to my work when my lunch break is over.....I wonder how their breaks work? God I worry tooo much lol.

Well tootles. Yes I just said that.
